Game Developer
This was a short project created in collaboration with a few other people in an engineering class I was taking. They provided the models while I programmed the game. To play, adjust the intensity of the shot and aim and try to make it to the end of each golf course.
Twin-stick Shooter
This was another short project where you simply control a character in a top-down perspective and have to shoot the enemies before they defeat you. I enjoyed making some of the visual aspects of the game.
This was the second collaboration between me and my fellow students in my engineering class. I used their models again, which were the chess pieces. In this interesting spin on chess, the goal is not to get a checkmate, but to instead eliminate all of the opposing pieces first! I also added an alternative mode where tiles on the board are progressively lit on fire, preventing pieces from moving to them and eliminating any pieces that are on them.
Canadian Kong
In this parody of the classic video game Donkey Kong, everything is replaced with a Canadian twist. Jump over the logs and reach the box of donuts at the top!
Tower Defense Roguelike
In this game, you must manage your resources and place towers strategically around a randomly generated path. After surviving each round, you must select additional resources or a new tower to boost your defenses.
This was the first of the projects I created in collaboration with a team at the Carnegie Mellon National High School Game Academy. I was one of the two programmers and I created all of the player-related aspects of the game. In this parody of the classic arcade game, you control a cat in a worn-down convenience store and have to knock off all of the products on the shelves. While doing that, you also have to destroy the rats who have inhabited the store in its abandonment and are trying to stop you.
Shrunken Sorcerer’s Puppet Pummel
This game was created with a different team than Rampage, but still at the Carnegie Mellon program. This original game was made for a unique device at the university, called the Jam-o-Drum, that provided four controllers each with a drum the player can hit and a spinning wheel around it. Taking advantage of the platform’s unique advantages and drawbacks, we created a fun experience where one play controls a powerful character in the center while everyone else attempts to defeat them. The powerful characters can use their wheel to fire off a variety of powerful spells, while the others use the wheel to dodge. Additionally, the players can collaborate by launching powerful elemental blasts after picking up elemental drops that spawn throughout the game in order to create additional effects. All of this combined creates a chaotic game full of fun!
Here is a link to the final trailer of the game, which really shows off how chaotic it is!
Space Heist (Temporary Name)
This is the project I am currently working on. In this simple arcade-style game, you control a character with the “flipometer”, which spins the character. The goal of the game is to gain as many flips before hitting the ground, making sure to not land on the ground unevenly! The police car chasing you will also release laser drones, which you will need to block with your laser shield.